Mike's Astro Photos
Jun.05 2009

Bad Jupiter

by , under Planets

Jupiter May 25th

Jupiter May 25th

Here is a pretty bad picture of Jupiter. It was the first time I’ve ever photographed Jupiter, the first time I’ve ever seen Jupiter through a telescope. The night was a lot more interesting than this picture. I was at a neighbors house for a poker game. I got out of the game early and headed home and told the guys I would be on the scope to come over when the game was done. They ended up coming over to my house at 3:00 am to play pool. At 4:00 am they we’re leaving and we decided to check the scope before they headed home. That’s when I saw Jupiter for the first time and of course I had to try and take a picture. My setup was off that night to begin with (bad alignment) and I was really tired and a little drunk. Alchohal and astro photography don’t go well together. Next time will be better.


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