Mike's Astro Photos
Aug.25 2009

Incredible Space Video

by , under Misc

A friend sent me this video. It is the coolest space video I have ever seen.


5 Comments for this entry

  • Mark

    Makes you wonder what sort of creatures are out there looking up at us, perhaps blinking a laser, or a star, to see if anyone or anything will blink back and say Hi.

  • M Gaines

    Amazing how we finally get smart enough to find an answer to a question that has been asked for centuries, and it leads to hundreds of billions more questions. So the video talks about 2 tiny points in our sky…how many points like that would there be from horizon to horizon?

    Even harder to think about than looking for a meteorite in a cornfield…

  • josh

    Thanks Mike. Now I feel even more insugnificant than I did yesterday…

  • Mark

    the average density of the universe is about 0.000000000000000000000000000001grams per cubic centimeter. You, however, are of a density that is about 1 .0 gram per cubic centimeter. That means you are about 1000 billion billion billion times more dense than the average chunk of universe. Also, out of all the lumps of high density material in the universe, you happen to be a CONSCIOUS lump in the universe (most of the time), and that, by itself, is extremely rare. Furthermore, out of all the conscious lumps in the universe, you happen to be a conscious lump that does not have to struggle night and day for its next meal or to avoid becoming a meal for other conscious lumps. So, in light of the vastness of the universe, you are a highly concentrated, very rare type of lump. So cheer up and make the most of it.

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