Green Zone Detail Map
by Mike Hankey, under Mason Dixon Meteor
Here is the first map set in a new five part series. I will post one map each night for the next five nights starting tonight.
Here are zoomed maps for each of the three sub sections in the green zone.
On the detailed map we have:
– labeled all roads and identified landmarks
– where possible marked parking locations
– indicated the meteor path and altitude
– sectioned the map into logical sub-zones a, b, c
– identified and numbered all of the land owners. This numbering system is cross referenced against a database I developed using the Lancaster land records that are available online. I know the property owners name, the amount of acreage and any notes regarding meetings with the property owners and in some cases pictures of the properties.
– where relevant placed clues that indicate key locations in the strewn map field. these markers are not meant to be exact X marks the spot indicators, rather they pin-point an area where certain sized meteorites would likely fall based on the current trajectory. There are 6 markers in the map series, ranging from 10,000g, 1,000g, 100g, 10g, 1g, .1g. This in no way suggests that a 10kg meteorite exists! It simply means that if a 10kg meteorite did exist it would be in this general area. The reality is the trajectory is not 100% perfect so a thorough search of the entire area is needed, but it is recommended to target these specific areas first. I will leave pretty obvious clues in the blog posts that will tip you off to what markers are what.
If you are hunting the meteorites or want to I recommend printing these maps in landscape mode and then drawing on them as you search areas. Essentially scribble on areas that you have searched. Also take notes on the back of the map especially if you talk to land owners. Try to record as much info as possible, their names, addresses, what crops and fields they have, when these fields will be cut / available for searches. I am working with several people on this and they are feeding back their search maps and information to me so I can update the search database. If you want to share your information with send me an email at mike.hankey [AT]
As I was marking up the maps adding information and notations I couldn’t help feeling like I was making a treasure map, so after I finished enhancing one of them I sent it to my friend Vincent from Paris (A photoshop wizard — guy responsible for Mike Hankey Captain Kirk picture and Mason Dixon Meteor simulation video.) I asked him to give it a treasure map feel. As always he blew me away. I hope you like it. Meteorite hunting is a lot more fun when you ave a treasure map in your hand. Bravo Vincent vous ĂȘtes le meilleur.
August 19th, 2009 on 4:05 am
Tout le plaisir est pour moi, Meteor Man.