Meteorite Man Steve Arnold Visit
by Mike Hankey, under Mason Dixon Meteor
Steve Arnold was in Baltimore the day after the PA fireball was sighted. He contacted me through my website and wanted to examine the location where I took the photo of the fireball. In order to determine the trajectory he needed to know my latitude and longitude and the point of view of the scope at the time of the picture. He analyzed the position of the scope and concluded it was approximately 27 degrees above the horizon. While he was visiting they filmed a partial episode for the Meteorite Men TV show. He told me that if they or someone found the PA meteorites the show would air on the science channel.
Here are some pics from his visit:
July 20th, 2009 on 4:33 pm
Dear Mike: Thanks so much for your help and support during the PA meteorite hunt. I am envious that Steve and our director, Bob Melisso, got to travel out there. I was busy with things in Tucson. Anyway, we really appreciate the great coverage and participation from you. Could you please contact me privately? I’d like to ask permission to use one of your photos, and discuss some other business. Thank you! Geoff of METEORITE MEN
August 28th, 2009 on 5:08 pm
Was looking for other volunteers to hunt around Lancaster/Groffdale for the mason dixon meteorite. Also will be running a trip up to Pennsylvania to hunt for the Shrewsbury and Mt Joy september 11-13. Comment back or let me know if interested