Mike's Astro Photos
Aug.30 2009

Satellite Images

by , under Mason Dixon Meteor

I purchased a custom satellite photo of the search area a couple of weeks ago. The photo was taken on July 5th, 2009 one day before the fall. While the picture doesn’t show me where the meteorites are it has been helpful in reviewing the areas I’ve searched or am planning to search. Its a 50 cm resolution photo which means each pixel is 50 cm. The image was almost 200 megs and came in tiff format. Here are two screen caps of the image, one showing the entire image and one showing a smaller area at max resolution.

Bird in Hand Satellite Photo from July 5th, 2009

Bird in Hand satellite photo from July 5th, 2009

One lane bridge satellite photo from July 5th, 2009

One lane bridge satellite photo from July 5th, 2009

I’m in the process of drawing overlays on the maps for all of the places I have searched or other meteorite hunters I’m working with have searched. I plan on publishing these soon and trying to keep them up to date as best I can. Its a lot of work to update the maps, with the info but of critical importance. With more and more people searching and more and more days in the field its easy to forget where you have already been. Here is a search map of an area I’ve been working the last few times I’ve been out.

Searched areas near one lane bridge

Searched areas near one lane bridge


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