Sep.16 2009
Strange Rock Reports
by Mike Hankey, under Mason Dixon Meteor
I’ve gotten about six strange rock reports so far which is great! It shows the locals know meteorites could be on the ground and they are keeping an eye out for them. I have been able to identify most of the rocks I’ve seen so far, but this one in particular I’m not sure about. If anyone knows what this rock is please let me know.
September 16th, 2009 on 3:44 pm
Most likely a meteor-wrong, Try running a nickel test If you still have doubts. It looks like a magnitite conglomerate or other metal ore mixed with some large qrain quartz/calcite, If it had more of a fusion crust I could see how it could be mistaken as possibly a stony chondrite. It looks too jagged and not very smooth except on the one side.
September 16th, 2009 on 3:55 pm
A little boy running a root beer stand near dove-in-hand showed me a rock that was magnetic and heavy but wasn’t very smooth and wouldn’t pick up on my metal detecter. I was dissapointed later when he had chipped away on one side to show some rusty dark blue striations, clearly formed from sedimentation here on earth. Don’t get discouraged or give up! this just means that your one step closer to finding what your searching for!