A lightning storm blew through Baltimore County this past Wednesday September 22, 2010. It was a nice show with visible bolts firing every couple of seconds.
Hey Mike,
It is always a pleasure to visit your site and check out your new photo’s and updates. Are the Lorton Meteor and the Mason Dixon one in the same, I may have missed something, sorry, it’s been a long day.
Hope all is going well for you, Tracey and your little little guys.
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If you think you've found a meteorite, want to go meteorite hunting have a question about astronomy, meteors, meteorites or just want to say hi, please send email to mike.hankey [AT] gmail.com
September 25th, 2010 on 9:13 pm
Hey, thanks for posting these pictures. I wondered if that purple color was an optical illusion or something, but your photos show it was for real.
But what the f were you doing out there in the open with all that lightning flashing around? …flying a kite???
September 25th, 2010 on 11:34 pm
Hey Mike,
It is always a pleasure to visit your site and check out your new photo’s and updates. Are the Lorton Meteor and the Mason Dixon one in the same, I may have missed something, sorry, it’s been a long day.
Hope all is going well for you, Tracey and your little little guys.