Mike's Astro Photos
Dec.05 2009

Crab Nebula

by , under Nebula

Here’s my first shot of the Crab Nebula. It was taken during a 3/4 moon so the skies were pretty light. This was my first time taking flats, darks and lights and then stacking the images in deep sky stacker. I used 25×2 minute exposures of the nebula along with flats taken at dusk and darks taken at the end of the night.

Crab Nebula - November 29th, 2009

Crab Nebula - November 29th, 2009

Its not quite as nice as this Hubble photo of the Crab Nebula but pretty close (not).


1 Comment for this entry

  • Mark

    That’s very impressive. Your new set-up, steel pier and cosmically-oriented observatory are definitely focusing good Karma as well as photons. Congratulations!

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