Mike's Astro Photos
Sep.21 2009

Andromeda Piggyback

by , under Stars

The new observatory is almost complete. I just got power working last night. I have the scope setup in there on the tripod as I haven’t gotten the pier yet. Its currently being fabricated and I should have it by the end of the month. Photography wise I’m limited to piggyback shots until I get the pier installed. I took this photo of Andromeda last night, I simply mounted my camera on top of my telescope, pointed to the Andromeda and snapped 5×2 minute exposures. I stacked 3 inside photoshop to create this image. There was the lowest default zoom on the camera, so the size of Andromeda is what it would be if you saw it with your naked eye (no magnification). Andromeda is the fuzzy ball in the center of the pic.

Andromeda Galaxy - September 19th, 2009

Andromeda Galaxy - September 19th, 2009


1 Comment for this entry

  • Mark

    Nice shot, especially given that your tripod is setting atop a wooden platform. Okay, so maybe I’m spoiled, but it’s just not the same without asteroids blowing up in front of it. :-)

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