Double Cluster
by Mike Hankey, under Stars
Here’s a photo of the Double Cluster in Perseus aka NGC 884 & 869. This is one of the most spectacular visual objects you can look at — its so big and covers so much space you can actually see it with the naked eye. In powerful telescopes you have to move the scope to view the entire object. Both of these clusters are thought to be 7000 light years away from us and only a few hundred light years away from each other. They are infants in the stellar sense, both less than 6 million years old. Considering our solar system is 4.5 billion years old, that’s pretty young. The Double Cluster is a great object to showcase at a star party or to show first time astronomers.
Photo Details
26×4 minute iso 400 exposures
Canon 20DA Camera
CGEM Mount
William Optics FLT98
SBIG STV Auto Guider
April 27th, 2011 on 7:45 pm
If you had told me this was a single star cluster reflecting off the surface of a lake or something, you would have fooled me for a moment or two. Nice picture.