Star Cluster Messier 13
by Mike Hankey, under Stars
Globular star clusters are one of the many fascinating things you can image in the night sky. These clusters are the place where stars are born by the 100s of 1000s. M13 also known as Great Globular Cluster in Hercules boasts over 300,000 stars.
I have been setting up / testing / learning some new equipment and software the last few months and this is the first image I have created from the new rig. I still have some things to work on, but we’re getting there.
Photo Details
LRGB 60x40x40x40 / Total Exposure Time 3 Hours
Camera SBIG ST8300
Guiding with 402 & Piggy back guide scope
Paramount ME Mount
William Optics FLT98
CCDSoft / The Sky X / CCDStack
June 5th, 2011 on 9:18 pm
A 3 hour totaled exposure. Wow!
And I see you’re now strutting around with an SBIG camera. Awesome!
The glob came out great.
I also noticed that you have either a model of R2D2 mounted to your observatory or you finally got your meteor camera wired up to catch the next big one. Nice.
June 11th, 2011 on 4:39 pm
Mark, Yes I’ve had a pretty productive couple of weeks recently. Things are starting to come together. I can even control things from inside the house now!