Tag: Messier
Spiral Cluster
by Mike Hankey, under Stars
The Spiral Cluster, aka M34 is an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus found not far from the Perseus Double Cluster. M34 is an open cluster believed to have first been discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna sometime before 1654. In 1764 Charles Messier described it as
“a cluster of small stars between the head of Medusa and the left foot of Andromeda, a little below the parallel of gamma Andromedae. In an ordinary telescope of 3 foot [focal length] one can distinguish the stars.”
Photo Details
William Optics FLT 98 / CGEM Mount
Canon 20Da Camera
SBIG STV Auto Guider
24×3 minute ISO 400
Total Exposure Time: 1 hour 12 minutes
6 flat frames (av mode) & 1 dark